Repairing a Commodore 64

A few months ago my aunt gave me her old Commodore 64 that had been sitting in the attic for over 30 years. It was covered with a layer of dust and grime which needed a lot of toilet paper to remove. I wasn’t able to try and get it working at the time becauseContinue reading “Repairing a Commodore 64”

Repairing an 80s micro cassette recorder

This holiday, between revising for the mock exams, I’ve found time to get a micro cassette recorder that used to belong to my great grandfather working. I think it’s a model from the 80s, but I haven’t been able to find an exact date. I was able to get it working by attaching 4.5v acrossContinue reading “Repairing an 80s micro cassette recorder”

Repairing a HP 54502A oscilloscope

My Physics teacher recently acquired some old electronics equipment from a company that was throwing them out, and said that I could have some. I ended up with a Hewlett-Packard digitising oscilloscope from the early 90s. The display turned out to be broken, but before taking it apart I wondered whether I could fix itContinue reading “Repairing a HP 54502A oscilloscope”

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