JavaScript crafting game

During the lockdown I created a game with my friend Ronan. He made the graphics and I programmed it using the Phaser game engine. In the game you are a space man whose spaceship has crashed into our school. The objective is to look around the school to find items and combine them together untilContinue reading “JavaScript crafting game”

Designing and building an air quality monitor

Around a year ago the headmistress of the school asked if it would be possible to build a device capable of monitoring the air quality around the school in real time. The computer science teacher directed her to me and I was asked to do some research and put together a shopping list of theContinue reading “Designing and building an air quality monitor”

Creating a Discord bot with Node.js and Electron

Recently I created a basic Discord bot for the school’s computing club group using the Discord.js library for Node.js. At the moment it has basic functionality such as replying to mentions with random messages, making “I’m dad” jokes and welcoming new members. After I created the bot I thought it would be interesting to tryContinue reading “Creating a Discord bot with Node.js and Electron”

Creating a game and making a genetic algorithm to play it

Recently I’ve been using the Phaser JavaScript game framework to create a game with a friend. I thought that it would be interesting to use what I’ve learned to create a basic game that a genetic algorithm can play. I ended up with a simple game where the player has to jump over rocks floatingContinue reading “Creating a game and making a genetic algorithm to play it”

Simulating a 555 timer in JavaScript with p5.js

The 555 timer is the most popular integrated circuit ever produced – in 2003 it was estimated that a billion units are manufactured every year. It is used for many applications involving oscillating, pulse generation and timing. Recently I was set the challenge of simulating a 555 timer circuit using JavaScript. this is what IContinue reading “Simulating a 555 timer in JavaScript with p5.js”

Using JavaScript to create Lewis structures

Recently I watched the Crash Course Chemistry video about Lewis structures, and I thought it would be a fun project to try and create a way of displaying these diagrams using the p5.js graphics library. You can see the finished product here: . It only works on a desktop computer rather than a mobileContinue reading “Using JavaScript to create Lewis structures”

Creating a JavaScript gravity simulator using p5.js

Recently I came across p5.js, a JavaScript library that specialises in graphics. It’s designed to be easy to use, so I thought it would be a good way to develop my JavaScript skills. You can see the online in-browser version here: You can click on the canvas to add an object in a specificContinue reading “Creating a JavaScript gravity simulator using p5.js”

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