Creating an online bird identification quiz

Over the past couple of days I’ve been working on an online quiz that tests your ability to recognise birds by showing pictures or playing recordings. I created it with TypeScript and it uses the iNaturalist API to get the images and sound files. You can try it out on GitHub pages here, and theContinue reading “Creating an online bird identification quiz”

Repairing an 80s micro cassette recorder

This holiday, between revising for the mock exams, I’ve found time to get a micro cassette recorder that used to belong to my great grandfather working. I think it’s a model from the 80s, but I haven’t been able to find an exact date. I was able to get it working by attaching 4.5v acrossContinue reading “Repairing an 80s micro cassette recorder”

Creating a TTN Mapper GPS node with the Things Uno

Recently I went on a DofE expedition in the Brecon Beacons. I wanted to try mapping any LoRaWAN coverage while I was there using TTN Mapper, but we weren’t allowed our phones so I couldn’t use the app. However, TTN Mapper also allows you to use nodes that broadcast their GPS coordinates, thus removing theContinue reading “Creating a TTN Mapper GPS node with the Things Uno”

Using object oriented programming in C++ to create an ESP8266 breakout game

Recently I’ve been making a breakout game for an ESP8266 module that has a 64×128 OLED display and a 4-way joystick: Up until now I’ve avoided using any object oriented programming with Arduino. However, I wanted to have a go at it, and this seemed like a good project to start. You can see theContinue reading “Using object oriented programming in C++ to create an ESP8266 breakout game”

Experimenting with programming an Arduino using AVR assembly

Recently we have been taught the imaginary assembly language used by AQA as part of A level computer science in school. I found these lessons very interesting, and I wanted to try using a real assembly language. I decided to try the AVR assembly language used by Atmel chips (such as those found in Arduinos)Continue reading “Experimenting with programming an Arduino using AVR assembly”

CST Virtual Hackathon

This week I participated in the Cardiff School of Technologies’ virtual hackathon. We were given two modules on the EC Council’s Learn on Demand platform to complete in the shortest time possible, ‘Hacking Wireless Networks’ and ‘Hacking Mobile Platforms’. The modules involved following a series of instructions over remote access to several virtual machines fromContinue reading “CST Virtual Hackathon”

Creating a simulator for Malkus waterwheels with Java

Over the weekend I used Java to create a simulator to demonstrate Malkus waterwheels, which is something I found out about while reading about chaos theory on Wikipedia. The Malkus waterwheel is a special type of waterwheel that exhibits chaotic behaviour. This means that a small change in initial conditions can lead to very differentContinue reading “Creating a simulator for Malkus waterwheels with Java”

Creating a Discord bot with Node.js and Electron

Recently I created a basic Discord bot for the school’s computing club group using the Discord.js library for Node.js. At the moment it has basic functionality such as replying to mentions with random messages, making “I’m dad” jokes and welcoming new members. After I created the bot I thought it would be interesting to tryContinue reading “Creating a Discord bot with Node.js and Electron”

Using JavaScript to create Lewis structures

Recently I watched the Crash Course Chemistry video about Lewis structures, and I thought it would be a fun project to try and create a way of displaying these diagrams using the p5.js graphics library. You can see the finished product here: . It only works on a desktop computer rather than a mobileContinue reading “Using JavaScript to create Lewis structures”

Creating a JavaScript gravity simulator using p5.js

Recently I came across p5.js, a JavaScript library that specialises in graphics. It’s designed to be easy to use, so I thought it would be a good way to develop my JavaScript skills. You can see the online in-browser version here: You can click on the canvas to add an object in a specificContinue reading “Creating a JavaScript gravity simulator using p5.js”

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