Repairing a Commodore 64

A few months ago my aunt gave me her old Commodore 64 that had been sitting in the attic for over 30 years. It was covered with a layer of dust and grime which needed a lot of toilet paper to remove. I wasn’t able to try and get it working at the time becauseContinue reading “Repairing a Commodore 64”

Creating a multiplayer game with TypeScript, Java and WebSockets

Back at the end of 2020 I created a multiplayer game using the Phaser game engine. Players connect to a Java Tomcat server using WebSockets to communicate. To start you have to join a lobby. The host (first person to join the lobby) can control parameters such as movement speed, vision radius and round length.Continue reading “Creating a multiplayer game with TypeScript, Java and WebSockets”

Creating another TTN Mapper node with a Heltec LoRa32 v2

For my Gold DofE practice expedition I used the school’s Things Uno board to make a Things Network node that transmits its GPS coordinates. These GPS coordinates can then be received by gateways, and from there they are used to map the coverage of the Things Network, a free-to-use radio network designed for low powerContinue reading “Creating another TTN Mapper node with a Heltec LoRa32 v2”

The Things Certification

In this year’s Things Conference, the ‘Things Certification‘ was launched. It is designed to test your knowledge around the LoRaWAN specification, configuration and implementation. Currently there are four certificates available, and you have to do a 30-minute multiple choice test for each. Usually they cost €99 each, but they are free until the first ofContinue reading “The Things Certification”

Matrix Challenge Final

On Saturday I took part in the virtual grand final of the Matrix challenge, a UK-wide competition run by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Cyber Crime Unit for 11-17 year olds. The competition consisted of a series of capture-the-flag style challenges. Each was a cybersecurity-related puzzle ranging from cracking hashes using rainbow tables to figuringContinue reading “Matrix Challenge Final”

JavaScript crafting game

During the lockdown I created a game with my friend Ronan. He made the graphics and I programmed it using the Phaser game engine. In the game you are a space man whose spaceship has crashed into our school. The objective is to look around the school to find items and combine them together untilContinue reading “JavaScript crafting game”

Simulating a basic 8-bit computer

Recently I’ve been watching some of Ben Eater’s videos on Youtube about building a computer following the SAP-1 architecture. To practice using TypeScript I decided to try and create a simulator. I wanted to be able to see what was going on, so I used p5.js to create a graphical interface showing the state ofContinue reading “Simulating a basic 8-bit computer”

Creating a game and making a genetic algorithm to play it

Recently I’ve been using the Phaser JavaScript game framework to create a game with a friend. I thought that it would be interesting to use what I’ve learned to create a basic game that a genetic algorithm can play. I ended up with a simple game where the player has to jump over rocks floatingContinue reading “Creating a game and making a genetic algorithm to play it”

Simulating a 555 timer in JavaScript with p5.js

The 555 timer is the most popular integrated circuit ever produced – in 2003 it was estimated that a billion units are manufactured every year. It is used for many applications involving oscillating, pulse generation and timing. Recently I was set the challenge of simulating a 555 timer circuit using JavaScript. this is what IContinue reading “Simulating a 555 timer in JavaScript with p5.js”

Repairing a HP 54502A oscilloscope

My Physics teacher recently acquired some old electronics equipment from a company that was throwing them out, and said that I could have some. I ended up with a Hewlett-Packard digitising oscilloscope from the early 90s. The display turned out to be broken, but before taking it apart I wondered whether I could fix itContinue reading “Repairing a HP 54502A oscilloscope”

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