CanSat competition

Over the past seven or so months I have been working in a team of four taking part in the CanSat competition. The goal of the competition is to build a simulation of a satellite within the volume of a soft drinks can. The device is then launched in a small rocket and descends withContinue reading “CanSat competition”

Matrix Challenge Final

On Saturday I took part in the virtual grand final of the Matrix challenge, a UK-wide competition run by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Cyber Crime Unit for 11-17 year olds. The competition consisted of a series of capture-the-flag style challenges. Each was a cybersecurity-related puzzle ranging from cracking hashes using rainbow tables to figuringContinue reading “Matrix Challenge Final”

CST Virtual Hackathon

This week I participated in the Cardiff School of Technologies’ virtual hackathon. We were given two modules on the EC Council’s Learn on Demand platform to complete in the shortest time possible, ‘Hacking Wireless Networks’ and ‘Hacking Mobile Platforms’. The modules involved following a series of instructions over remote access to several virtual machines fromContinue reading “CST Virtual Hackathon”

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